In Recipes, Fish Oil Blocks the Symptoms of Arthritis

In today’s modern world, we might not be indulging in the kind of diet that keeps us healthy and prevents us from coming down with any kind of illness, but lets just say that aside from our complicated make up, the condition of our digestive system can be a big contributing factor to our entire well being.

That is why it is important to always eat a well balanced diet that supplies the body with the essential ingredients it needs for optimal health. In the case of fish oil, one of the best ingredients that can be used for any meal is the Omega-3 fatty acid DHA, which can be obtained from high quality fish oil extracted from cold water fish such as mackerel, sardines, tuna or salmon, or from various nuts as well.

When we talk about high quality fish oils being used for nutritional purposes, we are not referring to the numerous brands that are available in the market, but we are actually talking about those brands that have obtained their fish oil through a process known as molecular distillation. This process takes place in the presence of ultraviolet light,and uses the molecular weight of substances present in the fish oil to separate them into ethyl esters. The process also serves to remove contaminants from the fish oil.

After the process is completed, the oil is then stored in dark bottles, called the cold pressed secrets,and only released sparingly into the air to avoid causing oxidation while preserving the potency of the fish oil.

Why is the Use of Fish Oil Essential?

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for proper function and development of the brain and central nervous system. Also, they are known to support focus and concentration. Research has shown that individuals deficient in the level of Omega-3s are likely to display symptoms such as fatigue,listlessness,mood swings, and depression.

Recent studies have shown that fish oil is effective in reducing inflammation in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is a spinal disorder that causes inflammation of the bones and joints, as well as severe pain. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to be valuable in reducing the inflammation that occurs.

Essential fatty acids are also important for the retinal health and the health of our brains. The brain needs EPA/DHA to perform cognitive functions and for cell membrane stabilization.

Because the body does not produce Omega-3 fatty acids, they must be obtained either from the diet or from supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids are the building blocks of the cell membrane. Deciding whether or not a person will benefit from an Essential Fatty Acid supplement depends on the individual and his or her health conditions.

People who need to increase their levels of EFAs should consume plant sources of Omega-3s such as flaxseed and walnuts, or fish sources such as salmon, mackerel, sardines or herring.

People who have undergone heart surgery and received coronary stents may benefit from taking 1,000 mg of Essential Fatty Acids, two to four times the recommended amounts. These people should consult with their doctors to make sure that they will not experience cumulative effects from the supplements.

Studies have shown that people who received their Omega-3 fatty acids through the food resource system have a lower risk of suffer from asthma, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and hardening of the arteries. Unfortunately, people are not able to get the nutrients they need through food intake due toiencies in modern food processing methods. Therefore, it is important to consume a fish oil supplement daily or to increase the amount of fish in their diet.

People of all ages should make it a habit to consume a variety of natural food products, rather than depending on supplements to supply them with the essential nutrients lacking in their diets.

In Recipes, Fish Oil Blocks the Symptoms of Arthritis


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