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Sex Tips: Fast Weight Loss For Better Sex And Orgasms

While some people complain of that sex is everywhere, there is no denying the fact that it forms a central part of our lives as human beings. It not only determines how good the relationships with our partners are, but it also plays a significant role in determining how good we feel about ourselves. The only sad fact is that very few people have good sex especially given the fact that most couples usually settle into a routine, something which makes for bad sex. Using fast weight loss diets may be the first step that you take towards spicing up things in the bedroom. Here are the reasons why rapid fat loss diets and programs are the key to having better sex and orgasms.

The missionary sexual position is the most common sexual position in the world. Everybody uses it. This includes your parents and even grandparents. The only problem with it is that people use it so often that it becomes monotonous and boring and thus you have a reduced sexual interest. 비아그라 구매 It makes sex to become predictable and thus, boring. This happened to most couples in the past when they lived together. The sexual interest in these couples decreased and they did not find sex to be as exciting as they used to be. When the sexual interest in a couple decreases, their interest in having sex with their partner also decreases. Since the partner’s sexual drive usually peaks when the age of consent for sex is held to be 16, this is the exact time that couples should be having sex to stay strong. The missionary sexual position does not allow for any female orgasmSo there are no female orgasms with this position and yet, Christians would still recommend this position to their followers. Looking at it from a physical point of view, the missionary sexual position is not the best position for having sex with your partner. Even if the position introduced allowing for female orgasms, there are other problems with this position. There are higher chances of your partner suffering from a broken heart as a result of high emotions and the position also contains high chances of your during penetration hurting your woman. Regardless of the position you are in, whether it is the back passage or the front passage, always keep the Zoster position if you’re having sex. You can control the depth of penetration better with the Zoster position if you do it correctly.

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The reason for this is because with the regular rear entry position, the chances are that sometimes the man can suffer from a premature ejaculation. The problem with the Zoster position is that in the latter position the man will be partially kneeling while having sex. This will create a divot in the vaginal canal. Since the man can not see the lady while “passing”, he will be guessing and hoping that his penis will not “penetrate inch by inch inch inch inch inch inch inch slowly inch by inch inch,” which is exactly the problem! With the man in the back passage, you can feel the pleasure and if you manage to hit the g-spot (which is about a centimeter below the belly button) your lady will react with an immediate and intense orgasm. This is one of the reasons why the back passage is considered as an alternative position.

Pelvic fightSome people like to fight during sex and there is no better way to finish a great sex than with the man slapping the lady’s belly and grabbing her breasts. This can be done with clothes on and the man must just pull her towards him. If you have the time, sit on the bed with your legs crossed and straddle your lady so that you can have deep penetration. When the man is about to ejaculate, yelling out your name (in the manly voice) will helpSkip the orgasm, and when the man has climaxed, hugged her gently and expressed his love to her.

… Continue the love gameIf your love game is more than 100% in the works, and you are 100% sure that your man is 100% in the mood, it will be a manly thing to let your lady know that you love her. Happy lovemaking!

Sex Tips: Fast Weight Loss For Better Sex And Orgasms


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